
1st July 2009 - Brussels Briefing "The Role of Livestock for ACP countries: challenges and opportunities ahead"

The next Brussels Development Briefing will be held on 1st July 2009 (8.30 – 11.00) and will deal with “The Role of Livestock for ACP countries: challenges and opportunities ahead”.

This Briefing will discuss key issues on livestock for ACP countries and will review the role of livestock for ACP economies and the drivers of change.

The panel 1 will discuss the key role livestock plays in most of ACP countries in terms of livelihoods, economic development, human nutrition and rural poverty alleviation. It will also identify emerging challenges such as the recent trends on livestock food demand, the accelerated (re)emergence of diseases affecting animals and humans, the climate change impact and the challenges to meet market quality requirements.

The panel 2 will deal with future policy challenges and opportunities for the ACP livestock sector and public and donor’s support to stimulate regional trade in animal products. How can the livestock sector become an effective driving force in strengthening the regional market in animal products? What are the conditions under which ACP exporters can access EU and international markets? How to strengthen the complementarities between commercial and small-scale production?

For more information and registration, kindly contact: or

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03 June 2009
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