


WAGENINGEN, The Netherlands, 25 May 2009 – What is the media’s role in development and how can they take a more meaningful part in helping rural communities in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries to achieve the millennium development goals? These are the core issues to be addressed in Brussels, Belgium from 12 to 16 October, when the ACP/EU Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), together with its partners, will host an international seminar on the "Role of the media in agricultural development in ACP countries".

More specifically, the seminar aims to:
• Contribute to preparing strategies for building the capacity of the media with regard to access and dissemination of information on key issues for the ACP agricultural sector;
• Strengthen communication links between the media and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector;
• Contribute to the identification of programmes to support the media.

Registration and a Call for Papers have been launched via the Seminar website at Prior to the seminar, an e-discussion will encourage an exchange of ideas on the topics to be debated.

The Annual Seminars are CTA’s premier meeting, bringing together a wide range of experts to focus on priority ACP topics on agricultural and rural development selected in consultation with our partners. The seminars help CTA and its partners to formulate information and communication strategies and activities on these topics.

For more information on the Seminar, please visit the seminar website.

Mr André Vugayabagabo
+31 317 467 158
08 June 2009
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