
Web2ForDev International Conference

Participatory Web for Development:

Networking, collaborating and exchanging knowledge in agriculture, rural development and natural resource management

Rome, Italy, 25-27 September 2007

Call for proposals


Submission of proposals: 30 April 2007

Notification of acceptance: 15 May 2007

Submission of draft presentations, scripts and materials: 15 June 2007

Submission of final scripts: 31 July 2007

Submission of final presentations (slideshow, multimedia or other): 31 August 2007

Call for proposals

Web2ForDev[1] 2007 is the first conference devoted to exploring the ways in which international development stakeholders can take advantage of the technical and organizational opportunities provided by Web 2.0 methods, approaches and applications.

The conference will promote the adoption and dissemination of appropriate, low-cost and replicable Internet-based applications by actors in agriculture, rural development, and natural resource management. It aims to inspire participants to use and develop their own information management and communication systems based on these applications.

The conference targets agriculture, rural development, and natural resource management stakeholders, particularly those from developing countries, experienced with or interested in the potential of Web 2.0, including technology intermediaries, policy makers, information and communication specialists, software developers, application and system providers and information service providers. Participants are expected to have experience and understanding of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and to be in a position to understand, adopt and disseminate the showcased applications and approaches.

In particular we encourage proposals that are:

  • Thematic case studies: 15/20-minute presentations on examples of projects and processes that are adopting Web 2.0 tools and methodologies, and that evaluate their impacts, benefits and challenges;
  • Thematic showcases: 15/20-minute presentations on Web 2.0 tools and methodologies developed for knowledge exchange, collaboration, learning and networking;
  • Panel discussions: 30-minute exchanges that provide an overview of one or more crosscutting issue (see the list below); these will be debated by a group of panellists and facilitated by a chairperson.

The sessions should offer practical examples of Web 2.0 concepts and applications in knowledge exchange, collaboration, learning and networking in the sectors of agriculture, rural development, and natural resource management.

Experiences and case studies from sectors other than development (e.g. education, private sector) that show potential for adoption can be presented. The focus is on innovation in common practices, opportunities, needs, and issues that participants may address more effectively with the adoption of Web 2.0 tools, methodologies and approaches.

Theme, topics and cross-cutting issues

The theme of the Conference is “Participatory Web for Development: Networking, collaborating and exchanging knowledge in agriculture, rural development and natural resources management”.

There are three conference tracks dealing with the following main topics:

  • Shared virtual spaces, remote collaboration, and knowledge sharing
  • Appropriate technologies for on-line publishing
  • On-line information retrieval and access

Cross-cutting issues speakers may want to address in their presentations, and particularly in panel discussions, are:

  • Institutional capacity (IT infrastructure, human resources)
  • Management
  • Low-bandwidth access
  • Intellectual property issues
  • Disabling and enabling environments (infrastructural, connectivity, legal, cultural, human)
  • Direct and indirect cost
  • Security
  • Visibility and promotion

How to submit proposals

The content of the proposals will be treated with the utmost confidentiality by the Steering Committee members and peer review panel.

In case of acceptance, please note:

  • All work presented at the Conference (e.g. slideshows, handouts, flyers, brochures, pdf and MS Word documents, animation and videos) constitutes the original work of the author/presenter, and he/she is the owner of the copyright.
  • All presenters and authors will retain non-exclusive intellectual property rights in their work.
  • Presenters and authors agree to their Conference materials being disseminated freely on the Conference Web site and by other means during and after the Conference. A statement will be published prohibiting the use of any of the presentations for commercial purposes. Any part or whole of the works used for non-commercial purposes must carry due accreditation.


Accepted presenters or panellists from developing countries may apply for sponsorship to attend the Conference. Sponsorships will be granted at the discretion of the sponsoring agencies and will be subject to availability of funds.

Additional Information

To get updates on the event you may join one of the following DGroups:

For more information on the event you may visit our conference the web site at

[1] The conference is a joint venture by CTA, FAO, IICD, GTZ, ACP Secretariat, Université Cheikh Anta DIOP, University of British Columbia Okanagan, Euforic, DGroups, CGIAR and IFAD.

27 April 2007

CTA celebrates Earth Day, April 22

Agriculture and rural development in defence of the Earth.

In recognition of Earth Day, April 22 2007

On April 22nd, the world celebrates Earth Day. CTA joins this celebration because the earth is unique and the only one we actually have. A balanced environment and a healthy earth are at the base of all we do. Many of the challenges to agricultural production that lead to discussions about food security, poverty alleviation and increasingly, climate change, are based on better management of our environmental resources – our land, our water, our trees and the proper use of various technologies. Proper uptake of technologies can provide a huge improvement in the way we work, however, used improperly they can have a very negative effect on the planet.

The earth provides the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and use to grow our crops, the energy we burn and a source of livelihood for approximately 500 million people – our rural target groups, living in Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific. On Earth Day, we need to remember that we are as strong as our weakest link. The better we care for the earth and our environment, the better it will take care of us.

Hansjörg Neun
Director, CTA

For more information on Earth Day, please visit

Featured Earth-friendly publications
The following publications are available from the Publications Distribution Service (PDS).

Where the land is greener: case studies and analysis of soil and water conservation initiatives worldwide
Liniger, H., Critchley, W. (eds)
376pp. ISBN 978 92 9081 339 2
40 credit points. CTA no. 1334. Code 3

Information support for sustainable soil fertility management (CD-ROM) / Rôle de l'information dans la gestion durable de la fertilité des sols (cédérom)
Summary report of a seminar, Arnhem, The Netherlands, 2003 / Rapport de synthèse d'un séminaire, Arnhem (Pays-Bas), 2003
CTA, 2005
20 credit points / unités de crédit.
CTA no. 1272. Code 3

Propagating and planting trees in the Agrodok series
, CTA. 2004 (revised edition). 102pp
ISBN 90 77073 99X
5 credit points.
CTA no. 1228. Code 1

Multiplier et planter des arbres dans la collection Agrodok
Verheij, E.
Agromisa, CTA. 2005.
110pp. ISB? 90 8573 001 5
5 unités de crédit. CTA no. 1260. Code 1

Propagação e plantio de árvores
Verheij, E.
Agromisa, CTA. 2005. 114pp
ISBN 90 8573 032 5
5 pontos de créditos.
CTA no. 1261. Code 1

How to make and use enhanced animal manure
Parkolwa, M., Shihemi, M.
Acacia Publishers, CTA. 2005. 52pp. ISBN 9966 917 40 3
5 credit points. CTA no. 1279. Code 1

Ways of water: run-off, irrigation and drainage in the series Land and Life
Dupriez, H., de Leener, Ph., Carter, R.
CTA, Macmillan.
1992. 392pp. ISBN 0 333 57078 2
40 credit points. CTA no. 344. Code 2

Les chemins de l'eau: ruissellement, irrigation, drainage dans la collection Terre et Vie
Dupriez, H., de Leener, Ph.
CTA, Enda, L'Harmattan, Terres et Vie. 1990. 390pp. ISBN 2 87105 009 X
40 unités de crédit. CTA no. 258. Code 2

20 April 2007

Cape Town Book Fair, June 2007

CTA is exhibiting at the Cape Town Book Fair from 16 - 19 June 2007, Stand number K1. For further details of the event, consult
12 April 2007

Second PROTA/CTA International Workshop and Investors' Forum

Second PROTA/CTA International Workshop and Investors' Forum
24-25 September 2007
Nairobi, Kenya

The Workshop is a forum for actors in extension and rural development, industry, vocational training, higher education, research and government, and for investors/donors to interact in order to:
  • appreciate the great diversity of the plant resources of tropical Africa through commodity group reports and plant resources reports;
  • seize opportunities for application of PROTA’s information in extension work, education and training, research, industry and government policies;
  • demonstrate the usefulness of PROTA’s information for the intermediate target groups, and the successful application for the benefit of the end-users in rural communities;
  • help in setting priorities for the Second Implementation Phase 2008-2012 and ‘pledging’ support for the programme.
For further information, consult

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